Not What I Had Planned

Pat Jones / Lead Pastor

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

I always like to look at patterns to understand things. Sometimes it helps, other times, not so much. But I have found something interesting for me. Twenty years ago, we were returning to Pennsylvania from visiting family for Christmas in Indiana. I had developed a very sore throat while there and was struggling. Pam drove the whole way home while I laid groaning in the back seat of our van. I spent New Year’s Day in the hospital after going through a procedure to remove a bad infection from my throat. Not what I had planned, but the Lord prepared the way. My first nurse was a member of our church and helped me adjust since I had never spent a night in the hospital before.

Ten years ago, we returned home from visiting family for Christmas in Indiana and along the way I felt a deep, growing pain in my lower back to the one side. I told Pam as we came to the Lackawanna toll booth that I was concerned I had a kidney stone. An hour later she took me to Suburban Hospital to get treated for that stone. Not what I had planned, but the Lord was ahead of me. My urologist is a part of our church and he took awesome care of me.

This year after visiting family for Christmas in Indiana, Pam and I flew to Florida for a week of seeking the Lord about this coming year. We arrived on Sunday afternoon and I found myself admitted to the hospital on Monday due to a thrombosis (blood clot) in a major vein in my abdomen. It is a mystery to all the doctors as to what caused it, and we returned to Buffalo for further treatment days earlier than expected. Not anything close to what we planned. But the Lord provided many Christian nurses and technicians who cared for us in a tremendous way.

I know, you may be saying quit visiting family in Indiana over Christmas. That is just a fun detail that has nothing to do with my point. I have a pattern in my life that every so often the major plans I’ve made are interrupted by physical challenges. And the Lord establishes our steps each time for our good and His glory. So, if you see some patterns in your life, look beyond the challenges and see the myriad of ways the Lord has gone before you to establish and direct your steps. You will find He is always faithful.

Taking Time


Love God and People, Not Things