There is Peace

Anieta Hopper / Finance Manager
Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash
I love to sit in the quiet of the early morning with only the lights of the Christmas tree. The world outside is cold and dark but the warmth of the house and the glow of the lights is serene and inviting. As the sun rises, the darkness is dispelled, and the beauty of the new day begins to unfold with an array of color painted across the morning sky.

Our Christmas tree is very symbolic. The focal point is a small, lighted nativity. Above it is a star which the grandchildren can light, remotely of course, as they read the Christmas story. Higher up on the tree are angels heralding the birth of the King and proclaiming peace on earth, good will to men. It’s all white representing the purpose of Jesus coming to earth to pay for our sins and wash us whiter than snow. The bright lights remind us of the Light of the World who dispels darkness and leads us in Truth. In the serenity of my room what possibly could be wrong in the world?

Sadly, that cold dark world I saw behind my tree is reality. There is no peace on earth. Anger, sickness, poverty, hatred and warring abound. Homelessness is a large problem. The opioid crisis is consuming and ruining too many lives. In my own little world things are not as “peaceful” as this quiet scene I’ve just depicted. My niece was just diagnosed with breast cancer and is waiting to hear the stage, the type and the treatment plan. My brother is a walking time bomb with an aneurysm near his kidney that could burst and cause him to bleed to death. (Of course, you don’t take the time to get that fixed because it might disrupt Christmas!) My sister-in-law has cancer which has metastasized to the liver and the primary source is unknown now. She is losing weight and is very sick. As I write, they are waiting to hear the results of testing, the prognosis and plan of treatment.

"In this world you will have trouble," promises the Lord, but … in the quiet of my room and in the depths of my heart there is peace. The Light of the World has come dispelling darkness. The Prince of Peace indwells me and has imparted a peace that surpasses all understanding. The Hope of the Ages is here. The King of Kings is in control. The winds may blow, and the waves threaten but I can take heart because He has overcome the world. I am at peace in Him. A new day is dawning. All is calm. All is bright.

Love God and People, Not Things


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