Transformation of Many Kinds

Robin Schara, Global Missions/Women's Pastor

Shunem House is a place where missionaries and their families can stay during transition times as they spend time away from their field of service. Recently, A team of six traveled to Shunem House Ministries, to assist the host couple with some projects. We dry-walled a closet, painted several rooms and refinished furniture all in four short days. The transformation was amazing and rewarding to see the old come to new life again. (View more photos on Facebook!)

Amazingly, this wasn’t the only transformation that happened during this mission trip. Friendships were built between team member who didn’t know each other. The thread of Christ is woven through the team after spending a week together. The team was introduced to a new ministry they didn’t know existed and fell in love with the host couple. All this sounds transforming yet, the greatest transformation came from a team member who was on her first mission trip.

On every mission trip we have a team time to reflect on the day, do a devotion and pray. On this trip we took turns with leading the devotions. On the second night, this first-time mission trip traveler was feeling weighted down because it was her turn to lead the devotion and pray that night. She had never done this before and was very nervous. Over the course of the day she would mention her fear to a team member who would encourage her and say a prayer for her. When the team time came, she gave a beautiful devotion on Proverbs 3:5-6 on trusting in the Lord, as she had been doing. She also led a lovely prayer. Everyone rejoiced that night as we watched her blossom and experienced her grow in her faith. The rest of the week she was so lighthearted and joyful that God strengthened her to step out of her comfort zone. First, by going on a mission trip and second, by leading a devotion and prayer. Now she wants to go on another trip. That wasn’t the greatest transformation though; it came later that week when she volunteered to pray out loud for the meal blessing. She is a transformed person who has the bravery to step out of her comfort zone and be obedient to God. Her prayer was faith-filled because God filled her faith to give her the courage to pray the first time. You don’t have to go on a mission trip overseas to experience transformation. You only have to listen to God’s calling in your life and be obedient. That is when transformation happens.

Let Go and Let God


The Power of Position