Lessons From Another Side of Life

by Rose Vohwinkel / Next Gen Administrative Assistant

 As I have said before, I have always been a control freak and I have worked hard to try and give that over to God, but there is still that part of me that tries to do things in my own strength. I know that God is still working in me. I’m stubborn and it takes a lot to break me of my weaknesses. I know God is working on me through my daughter Brittany’s illness. Although she has made great strides healing from brain surgery last year (17 months ago), she is daily living with a very degenerative disease that is different every day. Some days she is confined to bed while other days are not so bad. The only constant is her pain (though the amount varies with no reason) and me not being able to help her or find help for her. So, I give it to God.

But what I have noticed most in this journey with Brittany and the many sick and disabled people we have met, is the way people act. They act as if a sick person isn’t sick because they are pretty or that maybe a person in a wheelchair isn’t worthy of the same considerations as others. And the stares and looks of disgust I have seen so many get just because …?  It really is disheartening to watch.

All this to say, while God is working in me to break my control issues, He is also reminding me of this:

“Christ has accepted you. So accept one another in order to bring praise to God.”
Romans 15:7

The sick and disabled are still perfect in God’s eyes. And they deserve the same things I do. So, I am doing my best to let go; to also walk a day, not just a mile, in the shoes (or wheelchair) of someone else before I make a judgment, and to put life into perspective.

I pray that God works in me quickly because I really need this lesson to end. However, I’m sure I will need a reminder again because, after all, I am only human and I forget easily.

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