One Fellowship

Donna Zangara / Next Gen and Eastern Hills Preschool Director

At the end of August, we wrapped up the first ever, groundbreaking ONE Fellowship of Christian Athletes camp. It was an amazing adventure!

I cannot help but be in complete awe of what God has done. We offered Him five weeks, five willing churches, five different sports and five Wednesdays to touch the hearts of children and families in our community. What happened is so much more than anyone of us could have hoped for or imagined.

Personally, I was so blessed to get to know so many wonderful co-laborers in Christ. I am forever humbled by this opportunity to serve alongside my brothers and sisters in our neighboring churches. It has truly given us a little glimpse of heaven. ONE big awesome family of God!

I know the kids had a blast. One little guy decided he is definitely going to pursue baseball after trying it out at FCA camp. I eavesdropped on one of the teams’ huddle times the last week of camp. I was moved to tears to hear them enthusiastically recite, from memory, our camp theme verse:

“Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News.” 
Philippians 1:27

God has been at work. I believe we have yet to know all that will come from these efforts during the summer. One thing for sure … It could not have happened without all the amazing volunteers, the power of prayer and the cooperation and unity within the body of Christ. Thank you, thank you to everyone who gave of their time and talents to make this camp a reality, as well as a groundbreaking ministry moment in our community!


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