Learning Thankfulness

by Dawn Waggoner / Executive Assistant
Photo from Flickr
On my desk in my home office, I have a jar my son made in Preschool that says “Thankful.” I look at it every day as I work, pay bills, etc. That has been a theme in our home lately as I have been encouraging my son to be grateful for what he has and thankful for all our blessings (especially as his birthday approaches and he “wants” every toy he sees in the store).

Recently, I was trying to explain to him the idea from 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” It occurred to me that the best way for him to learn this is by watching me give thanks in all circumstances. Do I give thanks … when we are running late? When there is more laundry and dishes piled up than I have time to tackle? When a vehicle has an issue? When a house repair is needed?

Am I thankful that we are healthy and have places to go (school, work, church)? That I have a family, running water, a washer and dryer? A vehicle? A house?

How often does he catch me thanking God IN all circumstances?

Hopefully, if he hasn’t in the past, he will more in the future.

Psalm 118:1 “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.”



Messengers of Grace