
by Pat Jones / Lead Pastor
Photo from Flickr
Conversations are the essence of relationship. We learn from and about each other through conversations. And many of us are not good at keeping the other person as the focus of our conversation. We tend to bring the focus back on ourselves. And we miss tremendous opportunities.

In recent conversations I have had, I’ve heard expressions of fear, insecurity, grief, excitement, anger, joy, frustration, confusion, and pain. At this point, someone may be trying to identify if I am referring to a conversation I was having with them. But I would say that I could take almost any day I live and the description would be the same.

What is my point? Simply that we are called to build one another up by what we say (Ephesians 4:29), to be quick to listen (James 1:19), and to honor others before ourselves (Romans 12:10). In each of these conversations, I can hear the emotion or challenge and speak a word that would point the person to God’s promises and bring comfort to them. In most I did, in others, I missed my opportunity.

Today, I encourage us to listen more, speak less, keep the focus off ourselves, and build up the people around us for their good and God’s glory. And in doing so, we will fulfill the law of Christ.  

Have a blessed day of conversing.

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