Share His Stories

by Terry Geartz / Worship Arts Director

Today I met with a friend of mine for lunch. We meet every so often to catch up with each other. My friend would not consider himself a Christian, but each time we get together our conversation will eventually turn towards God. We talk about things like what a follower should look like, how to be holy, what to do with all the evil in the world, the end times, eternity, etc.

As I was driving back to work after this past time together, I found myself so happy and encouraged. I felt like God was everywhere! While a few times I had referenced what the word of God said about some of our topics, on this day I didn’t even quote scripture. So, my point I guess is this, that we will see God’s power when we make Him the focus, make Him the answer, and know He is all. When He is all and when we get small, we see Him. Sharing stories of how big God is, will help others see Him. God’s presence will always bring satisfaction to those who lift Him up.

Share the stories of God.

A New Start

