Simple Joy

by Katie Bartolone (Spiritual Formation & IGNITE: Administrative & Ministry Ass't)

During a message a few weeks ago, Pastor Justin had shared that when he was younger he had asked his dad why miracles didn't happen like they used to. Pastor Pat's answer was that, "the greatest miracle that can happen is a changed life." How simple, yet profound.

I think that so many times we are looking for complex and grandiose things that we miss the profoundness and joy of simplicity. God wants us to be simple. Our God is constant and wants to give us all we need. Every day God makes the sun rise and fall and the moon rise and fall. Everyday God calls us to follow Him, to walk with Him. God wants us to simply walk with Him in faith in every aspect of our days and I think we can sometimes over-complicate that.

God is so complex and we can never know while on this earth how complex He truly is. But we don't have to have all the answers; we need to just be in awe of Him, to simply follow Him and to live in simple joy.

Contentment During Change


Expecting a Miracle