Expecting a Miracle
Betsy Hendricks / Next Gen Early Childhood
Assistant Director
My sister and I
were talking the other day about miracles. She said, “Miracles are so much
about point of view. If you think you've never been in the midst of one, you
may need a perspective shift. For example, earlier today I sprayed lime juice
all over my face and somehow I didn't get a drop in my eye. I’m counting it.”
Although I’d categorize that event as more of “God’s grace” than a miracle, I
understood her point. And it did get me thinking.
There are
countless miracles happening all around us that we are completely unaware of,
or perhaps don’t care to acknowledge. A friend recently asked for prayer for
her friend who had every marker for Multiple Sclerosis. She was on her way to
the doctor’s to get the confirmation. After running a battery of tests, every
result came back negative. The doctors were shocked. Another mom had surgery to
remove a cancerous thyroid. During the operation, the surgeon also removed 33
lymph nodes which he also thought to be cancerous. As it turns out, only one of
those lymph nodes had cancer cells.
So how do we
explain this? Coincidence? Human error? Why is it so easy for us to chalk it up
to mistakes? I think that for us as humans, it is more comfortable to believe that test results were incorrect than to
believe that God, who loves us so much even in our sin, would give us the miracle
we so desperately need.
So how’s your
perspective? Are you expecting a miracle?
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.’” Matthew 19:26