The Frame For Our Life

by Rose Vohwinkel (Children’s Ministry Worship and Next Gen Admin Ass't)

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3

I was sitting with my daughter shopping for eye glass frames when God placed this verse in front of me. I recently took on a group of 11th grade girls as a small group on Tuesday nights, and I just love these girls. But I do not envy the children of today. They are bombarded with so many opinions on what they should look like, who they should be, what they should do … in other words, what the frame of their world should be.

But I think as adults we do that too. We take our job titles, our positions and our status and let them tell us who we should be and how we should act. And we get lost because we forget that the frame for the who, what, and why of our lives needs to constantly be put into the frame God has set out for us in His Word. How should we act, what should we be doing and why we should be doing it.

I am hoping to remind these girls many times over these next two years of how to see themselves; and I hope it also reminds me to keep myself on the straight and narrow too.


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