Stay Positive

by Melissa Hartwig / Next Generation Assistant Director

“Always stay positive, even if you are not getting positive back.” Those words were a good reminder from the Intentional Parenting Grow Class. This was in relation to parenting and as a parent of three teenagers I definitely need to remember this, but it can also be applied to life in general.

Just as we go about our day, are we being positive to those people we come in contact with: the cashier ringing us out, our coworkers, our spouse, our parents, our kids? Are we helping to build people up, are we appreciating people, are we telling them good? Some people can be a real challenge. Those are the people that probably need encouragement the most. Are we leaving people with the thought that something is different about us? It isn’t easy to be positive all the time, but God can give us what we need, whether we are out and about, at work, or home with our families.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3


Singing As We Go


Discussion on the Review of “The End of Christendom”