How's Your Job Going?

by Scott Wilson / Facility Manager

How’s your job going?

I’m a believer and I can assume that if you are reading this you may be a believer too. We believe that Jesus Christ died, rose again and has given us the opportunity of eternal life with him by faith believing who He was and what He has done for us.

As I read the word of God, participate in small groups, work through the Discipleship classes and attend Bible studies it has become clear to me that God has more for us than just learning about Him. He wants to use us. He wants us to be obedient to what it is we are learning about Him.

Reading the Bible to gain understanding, memorizing scripture to call upon, and gathering as believers are clearly part of the process of growing our faith. But it’s the “doing” what we are learning that God wants from us.

At the church I see many examples of the “doing”: the young  couple with children of their own volunteering to assist in the nursery area, 20 to 30 people who give up their Friday evening to help out with a drive-in movie, a group of men who lay hands on an ailing brother, early morning gatherings of people who pray for others they don’t know, people leading small groups, a couple of men who use their Saturday morning to clean the kitchen, the ladies who weed and freshen up the outside beds, the list goes on and on. As you can see, in each case there is a small sacrifice.

In the secular world around us the “doing” is not so apparent. Although there are endless opportunities we sometimes hesitate to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We see, we hear, we recognize a need but we don’t act.

As believers we have a responsibility. It takes work, it takes some sacrifice and it takes a willingness to do what we are asked upon.

We are not alone, we have a helper.

Hebrews 13:6 says “So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’”    



