A Tool in His Hands

Pastor Pat Jones (Lead Pastor) traveled to China with a team from Eastern Hills last month. This coming weekend, they will be sharing their experience during services, but today on the blog we get a preview! Today, Pastor Pat is sharing how he saw answered prayers and God using him and the team as they traveled.

I was asked upon our return what I learned in China. I am still processing it all. In a number of the churches, especially at those in the countryside, we were the first foreigners many of them had ever seen. For many of them, life is challenging. Yet their faith was vibrant. And their desire to hear the Word of God was palpable.

The first night we taught, I was asked if I would specifically address marriage. I had not prepared a message on marriage, but I prayed and asked the Lord to guide me with a coherent message. He answered and it was impactful. Each time we were heading to a new location and I was asked to speak, I prayed and asked the Lord what He wanted taught. And we found over and over again that without our planning and coordination, it was if the Holy Spirit directed each speaker with what to say in order that a themed message was given.

I was reminded of what Jesus told the disciples in Mark 13:11:
Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

While Jesus was preparing them for being arrested, the principle can be applied to witnessing or any situation where we speak with people. We remain close to Him and allow His Word to abide in us, and the Holy Spirit uses us to say what He wants said. The glory in such a situation does not go to the available instrument of communication (us) but to Him. And it is an amazing thing to experience. We saw it again and again in our time in China.

I am grateful that every one of us can be an available tool in the hands of a loving God who wants to speak to people.


My Hope is in the Lord


The Foundation