Music, A Pathway To Worship

If you were with us last Sunday, you probably noticed that services ran a little differently that usual. Instead of beginning our time together in worship, Pastor Pat Jones asked the team to lead us at the end instead. The sermon was about choices, and choosing to offer ourselves to God. And as a powerful application of the message, he invited us to stand and choose to offer ourselves to God, using songs as a pathway to worship.

Today on the blog, Shawn King (Worship Arts/Audio) is sharing about his love of music, and how God can speak to him through songs. Read his post below, then maybe take a few minutes to listen to the song he shared about and use it as your pathway to worshiping God!

I love music! There are many times that the Lord speaks to me through a very specific phrase in a song about His love or what He wants to do in my life.

Lately the words from one of my favorite worship teams have been echoing in my head. “Are you tired and broken within, overwhelmed by the weight of your sin? Jesus is calling.”

The scary thing to me is that there are many times when I am not even aware of the weight of my sin. As I think about those words it reminds me how grateful I am for the Good Friday service just weeks ago. I want to live in a place where my heart is soft and open to the Lord, where it is still uncalloused enough to feel the pain of my choices that would turn me back running to the Father. The chorus rings out the hope I feel in these moments, “O come to the altar, the Father’s arms are open wide. Forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.”

I pray you experience that invitation as you walk through your days.


Dark Detours


Letting God Lead