Letting God Lead

This past Sunday, we heard amazing testimonies of how God protected and provided for his followers in the face of challenges. In fact, Pastor Pat Jones encouraged us to welcome challenges when they come, because they are opportunities to see God at work!

Judi Wheat (Next Gen Ministry Assistant) is sharing on the blog today about God's faithfulness as she lets Him lead throughout her life.

In Bill Hybels’ book, "Simplify", He suggested to select a life verse to simplify one’s life. When I was a child I chose the verse from Proverbs 3:5-6; a very popular verse, easy to memorize, easy to quote, but so difficult to live out. It was a verse given to me at my baptism; a verse that I wrote in the front of my Bible when I went off to college; and, a verse that I have often repeated to friends.

As I have walked on this journey of life with Jesus, trusting, leaning, and acknowledging Him have not always been easy. But, as I have put my trust in Him only, relied on Him only, and acknowledged Him only, I have found that He has directed my life in ways I would never have imagined, and in the process has blessed me in ways beyond what I could have expected or imagined.

Just recently, the Holy Spirit put on my heart to donate a certain amount of money to support a friend for a mission trip. I placed my trust in God, did not question this request, and acknowledged that God would supply for the need. That same week, we received a check in the mail for the exact amount of money the Holy Spirit had directed to be donated.

God is so good, all the time. This might be a small thing to some, but to me it is a big thing.

It is a reminder that God will direct me in all areas of my life, small things and big things, and make my paths straight or clear to me, when I trust Him with all my heart and acknowledge Him in everything.

Music, A Pathway To Worship


Let Us Rejoice