Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

We close out our series “Unleashed” by looking at two necessary parts of the process: gifts complimenting and sharpening each other, and encouragement building us up when challenges come. In the midst of a basketball game, I made a move, and a lone, strong voice acknowledged it and encouraged me to make the layup (which I did not always do!).

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Quiet Leadership
Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Quiet Leadership

Most every successful writer, athlete, or entertainer will cite one or two people who were catalytic in launching their careers. In family histories, most of us have “moments” that were impactful or family members who did something to inspire or encourage us. In the journey of faith, each of us has the power and potential of being that person for someone else.

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Pat Jones, Unleashed Eastern Hills Church Pat Jones, Unleashed Eastern Hills Church


A parent pulls their child out of the path of an out-of-control car, saving the child but losing their life. Nothing is ever said about it. A close friend has information that would save the life of their friend, but they remain silent. A person receives the greatest gift they could ever receive but says nothing. What is wrong with these pictures? It would be almost impossible to remain silent in these scenarios. And it is impossible for us to remain silent if we truly have seen and heard Jesus.

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The Heart of the Spirit
Pat Jones, Unleashed Eastern Hills Church Pat Jones, Unleashed Eastern Hills Church

The Heart of the Spirit

Recently, I viewed a post where the speaker they heard “brought the heat.” He was talking about inspiration. But what Jesus did in sending the Spirit was far more. Flames came, but this heat isn’t periodic, or a one and done. This is sustaining fire. We will see how as we continue our “Unleashed” series.

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The Movement Begins
Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

The Movement Begins

The early church was powerful in word and deed. Why? Not because of organization or systems or methods. Power comes from somewhere else. Really from Someone else! We will see how Jesus began the movement that changed all of history. And it is still happening today.

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