BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church


Jesus brings extreme clarity about the relationship between attitude or motivation and action. And in the midst of His discussion, He gives the key to true transformation for our lives, a transformation that gives both freedom and a basis for powerful convictions.

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BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church


Unless you are on a no sodium diet, most of us would say a tasteless meal needs some _____? You walk into a dark room, and you turn on a _____? Flavor is needed in the first instance, and we need help to see in the second. Such is life. And such is the call of Jesus on our lives, to be _____ and _____.

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I Choose
BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

I Choose

Jesus let us know that in this world we, as His followers, will face persecution. It is a given. But a key phrase that is vital for us to remember is about the why. Twice He says, “for the sake of righteousness” or “for My sake.” We can be resilient in the face of these things when our why has to do with Jesus and not ourselves or our affiliations.

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