How to Wear Your Crown
BE Attitudes, Robin Schara Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Robin Schara Eastern Hills Church

How to Wear Your Crown

In dealing with others, we find it challenging to show mercy or have pure motives in our interactions or seek to disarm situations without taking sides. For those who act toward others giving them blessing they don’t deserve, are pure in motive and are seeking to help find peace with God and others, it will require patience. Let’s explore an unlikely woman in the Bible that exemplifies these beatitudes.

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What Are You Hungry For?
BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

What Are You Hungry For?

What would you like to see happen in the world more than anything? Power against power does not work. But power under control with a clear goal in mind can make a huge change in the world. A seated Rosa Parks changed a culture. A repentant John Newton changed a country. And a hungry "you" can be used to change a community.

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