Rewarding Expectation
Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Rewarding Expectation

It's amazing what you can learn if you hang around a place for a time and just listen. Opinions, gossip, ideas, predictions. In a world that was filled with the anticipation of a Messiah coming, what do you think you might have heard if you were hanging around the Temple, the religious center, all the time? We will trace the story of one such person, Anna. She was old but her heart was young and hungry.

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Expecting Comfort
Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Expecting Comfort

Most of us suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out). We hear about good things that happen for or to other people and wonder why they experience those things, but we haven’t yet. What if there was a way to position ourselves to receive those kinds of opportunities? There is, and we will find the secret as we continue our series “Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected” this weekend.

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Expecting When God Seems Silent
Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected, Justin Jones Eastern Hills Church Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected, Justin Jones Eastern Hills Church

Expecting When God Seems Silent

Traveling across Greece recently, we saw something that baffled us: fields of cotton. You expect to see cotton in the southern U.S. or in warmer climates across the world. But not in mountainous Greece. You do not expect that. “Expecting Jesus in the Unexpected” is the name of our new series. It will chronicle the accounts of people who found something in unexpected places or at unexpected times. And it encourages us to expect amazing things in our unexpected.

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