Babies through Kindergarten
Location: KidzPark


KidzPark is a beautifully designed, child-friendly environment. Children are divided by age, and each classroom is staffed with loving, caring leaders who desire to minister to each child's spiritual, physical, and emotional needs.

We use My First Look curriculum which is based on Psalm 119:18: "Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths." The program is designed to give children a first impression of their loving Heavenly Father, so they will know these three main truths:

  1. God Made Me

  2. God Loves Me

  3. Jesus wants to be my Friend Forever

Each week, children will explore one of these principals through a Bible Story, a Key Question, a Bottom Line, and a Memory Verse.


The first step on the pathway of faith is Baby Dedication. Parents learn how to become primary faith trainers for their children and accept the responsibility at our Baby Dedication Class, offered every other month. Resources and learning opportunities are provided for the new parents desiring to dedicate their child to the Lord.

Upcoming Class: Sunday, May 4 at 11am in the Living Room

Please contact Dawn Waggoner at (716) 688-7165, ext. 101 or to sign up.