The Colson Fellowship at
Eastern Hills Church

The Gospel isn’t a formula you apply to your life; it’s the Story you’re meant to inhabit. Take a deep dive into Christian worldview and become the kind of believer who understands how creation, fall, redemption, and restoration all go together to form the only true Story of the world. And then live it here and now.


What IS a "Colson Fellow?"

Colson Fellows are a diverse community of discerning Christ-followers whose lives may look ordinary, but as C.S. Lewis reminds us, “there are no ordinary people.” Not when we are each made in God’s Image for an eternal destiny and called to live an earthly mission that reveals His Kingdom.

After a a ten-month exploration of the Christian worldview, Colson Fellows do not “graduate”, but are commissioned to live out what they’ve learned, entering a dynamic and lifelong fellowship of believers committed to living courageously and faithfully—in the ordinary and extraordinary circumstances of these times.

What do I gain as a Colson Fellow?

In addition to joining that lifelong growing fellowship of believers from all over the world, commissioned Colson Fellows will receive lifelong access to a multitude of Colson Resources.

More than that, this is a transformational journey, equipping you not just with great information, but with a deeper understanding of why you believe what you believe, and how to live it out in your sphere of influence.

What does the program look like?

The Colson Fellows in Training (CFiTs) journey consists of: self study (reading, journaling, learning platform interaction) webinars and monthly (Saturday morning) in person discussions.

What do Saturday meetings look like?

We meet on the second Saturday of every month, from August- April, from 9am-12pm, and discuss what we are learning as a group.

How much does it cost? 

Eastern Hills Church has partnered with The Colson Center, and we are honored to be the first Colson Fellows Cohort offered in New York State.

In addition, as an Open Church Affiliate, we are able to offer a significantly reduced tuition (typically $900 for the National program) of $500 to our members as well as the general community.

Tuition covers all Colson Center generated curriculum, including access to all materials in the Pathwright online learning platform, webinars, and devotionals. Payment plans are available.

How about books?

Books are not covered by tuition. Students can expect to purchase (or borrow) 13 books over the course of the 10 month program.

Do I need to have access to the internet to participate

Yes!  A good internet connection is necessary, as much of your self study will be accomplished through our online learning platform, called Pathwright. The platform is very user friendly, but a basic understanding of how to navigate the internet is also necessary to successfully complete the program.

How do I apply?

Register Here

When is the deadline?

June 30th

For more questions, contact Nancy Carmichael at