Turn the Light On

New Year Prayer Guide

Pat Jones, Lead Pastor

We were traveling recently and as we prepared to leave our hotel room, I turned the light off by the bed.  Suddenly, we could not see to make our way to the door.  We need more light, not less light.  I turned it back on until we hit the switch by the door.  You can only go so far on the light you have and then you need more light.

That is the second thing God showed me (through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians) that I must pray for all of us.  Here is how Paul states it in Ephesians 1:18:

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,”  Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

There are three key points in this prayer that are outflows of God bringing more light into the eyes of our hearts.

1.  In salvation, God placed a call on our lives.  This calling is not just from our sin, but to something.  And I am not talking about heaven.  So the first part of this prayer is that the light would come on that there is so much more to the Christian life.  

2.  That fruit of this calling is hope.  And God confirmed this hope by two unchangeable things (Hebrews  6:19).  He wants us to know the limitless nature of this hope to which He has called us.  

3.  And this hope is shown and experienced in and through God’s people.  In heaven, God lays out in glorious fashion all the treasures of the inheritance He is giving the saints.  And here on earth, by the Holy Spirit who is the One who guarantees or is the down payment on that inheritance God has prepared for us, we get to experience and receive some of it now.  And that is what we need our eyes to see. We need to turn the light on.

This is what I am praying for you today.  Please pray the same for me.  And let’s pray that God will do this for every person who is in need of hope.




A Lesson in Prayer