The Value and Power of Prayer

sunlight on a field

Deanna Gworek / Finance Director

Have you ever told someone you would pray for them when they were going through a difficult time, but really wished you could do more? I’ve been in that position and have wondered if my prayers really helped. But, sometimes I’ve been on the receiving end of the prayers and thought to myself, “Someone must be praying for me right now because I have so much peace.”

Earlier this month I experienced just that. I was losing the battle with some negative self-thoughts. I was praying for myself, but I just couldn’t seem to shake it until midafternoon when I realized I was joyful.

It wasn’t until the next day that a friend of mine reached out and said God brought me to her mind. She explained how she had been praying for me right around the time the thoughts had stopped. As I was reminded how God always provides what we need, I was thankful for all the prayers of the people walking with me. I was sure shown the value and power of prayer.


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