The Process of the Thorn

close up of a green cactus covered in thorns, with a pink blossom in the center.

Laurie Warner / Receptionist

In my Bible study, we are going through the book “Mysteries of the Messiah” by Rabbi Jason Sobel.

He is taking us through the Old Testament and how we can find Jesus in the story of Creation, the Patriarchs, Moses, etc. It’s so amazing to learn Jewish tradition and the Hebrew words and their meanings. It has made the Bible come alive for me and my group! Rabbi Sobel says it is like reading the Bible in “high-def" and I couldn’t agree more.

In the chapter on Abraham, he talks about the processes God brought him through that lead to his increased faith and transformation. We are likewise called to go through processes. God’s desire is to transform us into the image of Jesus. If we persevere, we will grow and ascend to the blessings God has for us. Which leads me to share a process that God is bringing me through.

I have three sisters and we are not really close at all. We had a difficult upbringing and consequently, went our own ways as adults. Recently, my two older sisters, who live on the west coast and whom I haven’t seen in many years, announced that they were coming for a visit in June. My stomach did a lot of flip-flops! A lot of hurtful memories resurfaced. I said, “I can’t do this.” But God was saying that He has something in this for me. This is part of my process! Rabbi Sobel says, “The process of spiritual transformation can make you bitter or better.” So, I have a choice.

In 2 Corinthians 12:6-10, Paul struggled with the process that God was taking him through. Then he surrendered when God told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” So, I realize that God’s grace is enough for me. I am more at peace with the situation. I know without a doubt that God’s ways are perfect, and He will lovingly continue to mold me into the image of His Son, Jesus. And that is exciting!


Comfort and Mango


Building Faith