The Gift of Time

Deanna Gworek / Finance Director and Worship Arts Administrative Assistant

Since becoming a Christian, the name of God that has always stuck out to me has been Jehovah Jireh. I learned very early on that God gives us what we need when we need it. I always thought this would only come in the way of finances since that’s the way He usually provided for us, or so I thought. Looking back, I realize there have been times God’s given me other things I’ve needed, such as a song when I needed a pick me up or a text from a friend when I was lonely. Most recently I’ve experienced His provision of time.

A few months ago, we found out my dad’s cancer had returned. It was pretty devastating after six years of being in remission to hear that without treatment he might only have months to live. After a few weeks of tests and conversations with family, he decided to try the treatments. At first, we weren’t sure if it was working but I told myself I would take advantage of every moment I had with him. I thought no matter what he wanted to do, if he asked for my opinion, it would be yes. It has meant late nights playing cards, dancing in the kitchen and meaningful conversations. Not to mention the memories being created in my children’s minds of family dinner each Sunday, and him showing up for every event that is important to them.

It’s been five months now and the treatments are working better than anyone could have hoped for. Of course, there are numerous side effects that he’s dealing with which means life looks a little simpler, so we stay close to home, but I wouldn’t trade this time for the world. Thank You, Lord, for always providing us with what we need when we need it.




Concrete Sunflower