Route 77

Pastor Mat Dawson / Pastor of Student and College Ministries

Psalm 77 can be broken up into three separate sections. The first ten verses depict a struggle with life and with God. The author seems to be in deep distress with life circumstances and God seems far off and distant, content to stay there. Life is hard, but the thought of God’s unwillingness to help makes our struggles seem much worse. The Psalm takes a turn in the next five verses as the author lets his mind drift towards the character and the “works” of God. His struggle with life collides with God’s credibility and he is left to say, “what god is great like our God?” The Psalm concludes with a picture of Moses and the people being rescued through the “lens” of the water. The water watched and listened as the “earth trembled and shook!” But what Moses and the earth did not know was that there was a way where there seemed no way. There was a path beneath the waters. “Your way was in the sea and your path in the mighty waters, you led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.” (Vs. 19)

When life seemed overwhelming, and God seemed distant and quiet, He was holding their hand all along, helping them get to the other side and through the storm.

When life is overwhelming, let's remember to take Route 77. Let’s not ignore our feelings, and not ignore our God, but instead let's trust that God is doing God-things, and take one step at a time. We may just find ourselves being led by the hand through the storms of life on a path that we didn’t and couldn't see at the time.


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