God’s Calling

It is hard to believe that I have been on staff for a year already. It feels like it was just last month that Pastor Robin and I were talking about her upcoming retirement and the church leadership was looking for her successor. As we would talk about the leadership team’s search for the next person, little did I know that God had plans for me to step into that role.

As I reflect on this past year, one of the first things that comes to mind is the honor and privilege I have to be part of the ministry team at Eastern Hills. I find it a joy to collaborate with a group of people who have a Kingdom-centered focus. For me, it is a wonderful representation of the Body of Christ. We each have unique gifts and experiences that are brought together to bring God glory. We celebrate the good, encourage one another in the midst of challenges, and just as important, hold each other up in prayer.

Speaking for myself, I don’t look at this as work or a job. It is a response to a call God, through His people at Eastern Hills, put forward to me. While I may sometimes feel inadequate for the role, I am reminded that I wouldn’t be in this position if it weren’t for God placing His hand upon me. Therefore, He gets the glory. Amen!


Dream Small


The Little Things