An Attitude of Gratitude

Dawn Waggoner / Executive Administrative Assistant

I have been talking to my son A LOT lately about having an attitude of gratitude. I see him so quickly fall into the mindset of focusing on what he wants instead of being content with what he has. And often when I bump into moments like this, I have to evaluate my own attitude. Am I being grateful for what I have? Am I showing him how to be thankful for what we have instead of wanting more? Am I being content?

It is easy to focus on what I want instead of being grateful for what I have. When I stop to “count my blessings” I am overwhelmed by how much I do have and all the ways the Lord has provided for both my needs and many of my wants. Hopefully, my son will realize the same as I model this on a daily basis.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19


Prepared and Focused

