Advent Devotional: Day 2
“Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot— yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.”
Expecting the unexpected. Yes, this scripture I’m sure was on the lips of many who waited for a savior. Living in difficult times, governed by foreign men. Many hoped for and expected a savior with political power, to free them from the captors of their day. I wonder how many waited for the One who actually came. A Lamb slain, not for political freedom, but for spiritual freedom and life eternal.
I know that when I became a mother, I was overjoyed. I expected difficulty yes, but joy along the way. When it became apparent that my son was autistic, I realized that life was not going to be what I expected. And that I didn’t get to choose what kind of child I would have.
This might be a little raw for a Christmas devotional, but if I were given a choice in the beginning as to what type of child I had, I don’t think I would have checked the box that said ‘autism.’ But if I had had that choice, I would not have met the most wonderful boy I now have the privilege of mothering. He is the sweetest, most joyful, and smartest little boy I have ever known. And I am so grateful I didn’t get to choose.
As a recovering perfectionist, I believe that through this mothering experience God has equipped me a little more to expect the unexpected in my family life and roll with it. We have watched God meet us in the most unexpected, fulfilling, and lifesaving ways.
Life is not nice and neat. It’s not ‘orderly.’ Forget tidy. But it is real, and Jesus meets us in the midst of it. In this life, if we can be open to see, hear, feel, know, and receive Jesus in the way He wants to come, I promise you it will be the most fulfilling way to spend this life, in oneness with Him.
“Dear Jesus, would You open our hearts to receive You however You want to come today. We love You, Amen.”
Come back each day of Advent leading up to Christmas for a new devotional post. Want to view the whole devotional now? Digital downloads are available to purchase for $1.50: click here.