His Work, His Glory, His Way

Bobby Krahling / Pastoral Resident and Re:gen Leader

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Something that God is showing me is just how much I still need to rely on Him daily for my every need! I wasn’t a huge fan of the last book we just covered in small group, however it made me realize that I am chasing the lion.

I don’t think there is ever a right time to go back to school so to speak, but when God places a calling on your life it simply comes down to obedience. With a family of four, leading a ministry, being in full-time ministry, going to school and especially with our little nine-month-old, let’s just say I don’t have too much spare time anymore. It’s so easy for me to think, “If I could just do this or accomplish that then I would feel better,” but that’s never how it goes and it’s not all about doing. I have had many times during classes when I never knew how I was going to accomplish what was being asked of me, until I stopped and prayed and realized it’s only through Him, not me! I have found that every time I come to the end of myself, it is the perfect time that God can take over and do His work for His glory. I need to run to Him sooner and I am learning that through this season.

It’s also no surprise the number of physical/health ailments I have underwent this past year and it almost seemed surgery after surgery and procedure after procedure. I have felt many times like our friend Paul with the thorn in his flesh. 
“Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-9
That is sometimes easier said than done and it can be quite difficult to hear.

I have felt very weak at times, but I haven’t complained or even said “Why me?” Why not me? Every time I am met with a health concern, that is where I can quickly and easily get to the end of myself and say, “Okay God, go ahead and do Your thing, because I know You've got me, and this is only going to be temporary.” I say this because the sooner we can give our current circumstances over to God and take our will out of the situation, the sooner He can get to work and have His way in our lives. Being a pastor, or even a Christian, isn’t for the faint of heart and there will be trials of many kinds in this life, but we can all still experience great joy when He comes first.

I am eternally grateful for everything that has been entrusted to me and for the full plate I always seem to have. I have a life of meaning and purpose and I no longer question what my calling is in life! Thank you to all the godly men that surround me at Eastern Hills and especially the godly women that speak into my life! So grateful for the body of Christ!

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