Wednesday, April 13 (HOLY WEEK DEVOTIONALS: Pictures from the Battlefield)

Wednesday, April 13

Photo by Simona Sergi on Unsplash


“Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.” Matthew 22:8-10

During this turbulent week, Jesus told a story about a king preparing a banquet. He invited different people and many of them gave excuses. They had business dealings or life events they had to attend to. The king wanted his banquet to be filled so his servants went out everywhere to invite others to come. And those who were too busy missed out. 

Let me ask you, are YOU too busy for God right now? Has He been inviting you to regularly come and meet with Him, but you are too busy? Has He been encouraging you to be in regular fellowship with other believers, but you have other things to do or feel more comfortable being isolated? Has He been wanting you to join others in celebrating His Son, but you had other commitments? 

It is clear that once the bridegroom arrives and the banquet begins that there will be some who will cry out to be inside, but it will be too late. They should have responded to the invitation. This is for eternity, so it is appropriate to develop FOMO (fear of missing out). Have you responded to His invitation? If not, why not?

Prayer Prompts:

Lord, I rejoice that You have an invitation to “whosoever” will come. Thank You for receiving my “RSVP” when I __________.

Lord, I pray that You will open the heart of __________ so that they will respond to Your invitation to them.


Thursday, April 14 (HOLY WEEK DEVOTIONALS: Pictures from the Battlefield)


Tuesday, April 12 (HOLY WEEK DEVOTIONALS: Pictures from the Battlefield)