Carry Your Cross

by Tamara Gerace

“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

In this world of trying to keep up with the Jones’s we can easily forget what is truly important. It is not the latest designer purse, or your dream home, it’s not even your child being the valedictorian or the top soccer player. It is God. All these things we may want are just weaknesses of our flesh. We are weak, we are sinners. We need help to grow in spirit so that the things that we want in life are not fleeting.

In five years, no one will remember if our child was the top athlete in school, they won’t remember their score on the state math test or if your team won or lost that basketball game. They won’t remember what brand of sneaker you had on, or that cool party you were invited to attend. All those things are just weaknesses of our flesh.

What will be remembered is if we were kind, loving and faithful. God is aware of our journey, and whether we are putting our fleshly desires before Him. We need to carry our cross like Jesus did, we must stop allowing the weight of our cross to break us and give in to our earthly desires. We all have a cross to carry. What is yours? If you keep Jesus and His word by your side, you can keep that cross from weighing you down.
Lord, help keep me upright even with the weight of temptations that come into my life daily. Help me to remember You are what is important in this journey called life. Give me the strength to carry my cross and not give into my selfish wants. I have all I need through You. Help me seek what You desire and let no temptation, lust or greed have power over me. I will find You, Lord in my darkest hours and I will know You in my lightest of days. Amen.

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