God, Family, Ministry

Bobby Krahling / Pastoral Resident and Re:gen Leader

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

I’m just getting back to work after an amazing time with my family. My wife Bethany gave birth three weeks ago to our family's newest addition. Galilee was born a few days early and my world was rocked. 

For the past two years, I have fully immersed myself in ministry at church and poured everything into it. In some ways that was my escape, but I have also used it as a cheap substitute for my time with God. Simply put, my priorities were not in order. 

Frankly, I have never even cherished my home. I often looked at it as a burden to be at home and stay present and serve my family. What did Jesus do? He came to be a servant leader to the most broken people. I don’t know where I’d be without the help of my brothers here at church and my church family! I am beyond blessed. It took my mentor and other godly men to walk alongside me and do life with me to show me what it looks like to serve and lead my household. 

So, three weeks ago, I abruptly left work as my wife went into labor. My first week home, all I wanted to do was come back to work, but I also appreciated and was extremely grateful for the role that I play here and the ministry I am leading. I also was learning how to take care of our 5-year-old nonstop while my wife invested all her energy into our newborn, which was something I’ve never done. By week two I was in a groove and was fully invested in serving and leading my home! I loved all of the one-on-one time I was getting with my daughter, Sophia, and the privilege to serve and cook for my wife every meal just as she has done for me since we met! It was an honor and I truly enjoyed freely giving of myself! 

God showed up in a very powerful way, and sure it stretched and is stretching all of my muscles, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world, nor would I want it to be easy! It’s only when we are stretched that we truly rely on God and trust in Him. For His power is made perfect in our weakness! 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Sure, there were many, many times that I was weak, but I learned to rely on Him that much more and it truly was a blessing to minister to my girls! I knew I was never going to get that time back, so I needed to invest and empty myself entirely to the women that matter most in my life. I also learned how to just BE with my family, because we as men are very good at DOING. Did I complain once or twice? I did, but I asked for forgiveness and learned if I’m going to serve then I can do it with joy and a grateful heart. 

I am back to work, and I now have a deep appreciation for home and work. Balance is key and I cannot escape my calling in ministry, and Bethany has a calling to homeschool, and I want to empower her to lead in that aspect. God first, then my marriage and children and then ministry. Thank you for everyone that has supported and loved on me and my family! We are beyond blessed and are so grateful to have this church supporting and doing life with us.

Head in the Clouds


The Flow of Time