The Process

Shawn King / Pastor of Communication and Online Engagement

So often, as of late, I find myself getting frustrated that things are taking longer than I planned. Longer to do that painting project, longer to finish that song, longer to get to the destination, longer, longer, longer. 

This is not really anything new. In fact, my wife, Danielle, and I have a joke that when I say something like, “this should only take an hour,” we know we should budget at least five hours. The question then is, if I know things will take longer than I want, then why am I so bothered when they do?

As I reflect on many of these projects and the state of the world, I am reminded how much I like to make plans, and stack plans on top of each other. This isn’t a bad thing; we should have plans. But how often do I take a moment to appreciate the process God is walking me through, instead of begrudging the process until the finish line is crossed? 

So many times, the process is where God is at work the most, and I need that reminder. We are becoming more like Him, emphasis on becoming. I want to have more joy and wonder in the process, praise Him more along the way and worry less about what all of this means. I want to be less focused on an individual moment and more focused on God’s work, past, present and future. I pray the same for you.


Relative Importance


Fear Not