Every Little Bit Helps

Mike Dwyer / Executive Pastor, Director Men's Ministry and Congregational Care

Photo by Bob van Aubel on Unsplash

Have you ever thought to yourself, “is what I am doing making any difference for the Kingdom?” As part of a group of pastors from the Harris Hill Clarence area we have been meeting monthly for years. In time the group has mostly met to support one another and to consider mutual concerns for our area. In the last few months our community has had to deal with two historic occurrences: the COVID crisis and the new level of racial tension. Among our small pastors’ group are two African American pastors who have been part of our group for years. To respond to the racial issues in our community we determined to do something positive and decided upon a course of action. It was decided that for four weeks we would lead groups in work projects in four different areas of the City of Buffalo and that we would have people of all races join together to accomplish some simple but needed tasks.

Earlier in July, I had the pleasure of leading some of our brothers down to Doat Street to clean up the neighborhood and assist a number of homeowners in caring for the outside of their homes. The day saw 15 men from different backgrounds meet together in the hot sun! We did not know how many from the 11 churches of the group would show up and I must confess to being a little disappointed in the number. It hit me that my heart was in a wrong place. Instead of being disappointed, I should have rejoiced in those wonderful persons who gave of their time and energy to help and support our brothers and sisters in the inner city. Originally it did not seem that we were able to accomplish enough to really get noticed. Indeed, not even one person stopped to say hello let alone thank us for what we were doing. I remembered that we were not working for that purpose, but rather to glorify God and demonstrate unity in diversity. Our God simply wants us to be faithful to what He has asked each of us to accomplish.

In the covenant prayer of John Wesley, he asks that he simply be used of God, whether that be being in the front lines or simply being laid aside. The famous composer Beethoven once said that music is made not in the notes but in the rests. American Christianity is too often marked by doing, that is, by what we have accomplished for God. When in reality our loving Father simply want us to be faithful to whatever He has asked of us.

It turned out to be a great day. While the men were working through the litter and pulling up weeds and overgrown grass, we found a hidden treasure along the street we were cleaning. The curb when uncovered was a beautiful sandstone that had not been seen in years. How beautifully our Buffalo was built! When we are faithful God often treats us to these little wonderful surprises. You might think that some of the things you do make little difference but let me assure you that “every little bit helps.” Scripture tells us that those who are faithful in the lesser things will be trusted with the greater (see Matthew 25:21). Be blessed as you are a blessing!

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