Jesus Controls the Elements, Does He Control You?

Mat Dawson / Student Ministries Pastor

Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash
We see Jesus take His disciples on some legendary boat rides. On one of the first rides Jesus takes a nap in the back of the boat and allows the guys to struggle with the wind and waves to the point that they think they are going to die. If you know how the story goes, you know they wake Him up, He calms down the elements, and His disciples see that Jesus is more than just a good teacher.

A few weeks later Jesus takes them back out into the water but this time He remains on shore and prays for them instead of joining them in the boat. He is about to take His guys to an all new level of “followship” (new word … I like it). Mark tells us that they were about halfway across the lake when the wind and the waves were pounding them and making it impossible for them to move. He also tells us, from Peter’s perspective, that Jesus came out walking on the water but with the intent to “walk by them.” Jesus was hoping that the guys would remember that He is in control of the elements, and that they would trust Him even if He was not in the boat. Matthew tells us that Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk on the water towards Jesus.

He tells us that all was well until Peter began to freak out when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the elements. Isn’t that true with us? It’s during these times that we take our focus off the Creator and set our eyes, and faith, on the creation. Jesus once again jumped in the boat, calmed down the elements, and told His guys to trust Him.

Let’s remember that Jesus is in control of this world. He is good at what He does, and He is still the God who walks on troubled waters. How about we not only let Him run the world but run our lives as well?

The Promises


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