Things Will Work Out, In God's Time

Laurie Warner / Receptionist
Photo by Shawn Lee on Unsplash
Sometimes life is a whirlwind, and we seem to be getting hit from all sides. We’ve all experienced those seasons. Thankfully, these seasons pass, and life gets back on a steady track. I remind myself that this is only a season and things will work out, in God’s time. That is the key. God’s time. I always think that I’m trusting God, until I find myself unable to sleep, or feeling really stressed. Then I step back and tell myself that God is in control. He tells me to give thanks in everything. Everything! There is power in thanksgiving. Being thankful refocuses my heart and mind from the problem to God.

We have been going through some difficulties with one of my daughters and granddaughter. I wasn’t seeing God doing what I wanted Him to do in this situation. But He was doing what He knows is the right thing, not necessarily what I thought was the right thing. He tells me that His ways are higher than mine, and His thoughts are higher than mine. Oh, yeah. He is God and I am not! He will accomplish His will. It may not look like what I think it should. Of course. My vision is limited. My understanding is limited. He knows what’s best. I find great comfort in this truth.

So, when an answer to prayer came a couple weeks ago, I was thrilled! I believe His timing is perfect and He knows the reason why it didn’t come about sooner. I don’t have to know the reason, because His ways are perfect. We have a long way to go before we see this situation turn around, but I know that it is in His hands, and for that I am thankful.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

Thanksgiving Traditions


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