One Person

by Joni Canastraro / Print Media Designer

Early this summer when Pastor Pat presented “Summer of One: One Focus, One Experience, One Person,” my mind immediately went to “One Person.” The man who was in the process of remodeling my bathroom needed the Lord desperately! I had met Matt through word-of-mouth two years prior when he stepped in to finish remodeling my first bathroom.

When I met him two years ago, I could sense the heaviness that he carried. In those weeks that he worked, I asked him a lot of questions and gently shared my faith and how the Lord brought the kids and I through heartache in recent years. I prayed and trusted my words were making him think. He finished the job and told me I was one of the best customers he has ever had. I knew it was God that he sensed. We left off that I would hire him the following year (2016-17) to remodel my other bathroom.

Last winter when Matt came to start, he looked like life had taken its toll. He seemed bitter and angry. I tried to pick up where I left off with sharing my faith, but his walls were up. Throughout the course of the weeks that followed, there was no openness for me to talk about God. I was honestly starting to count down the days that he would finish.

His last day on the job, I gave him a thank you card and a book by Billy Graham. He took the card but left the book. I was disappointed, but not surprised.

It was about three months later that I received a call from Matt. He told me that he had been in a terrible car accident and was home recovering from some serious injuries. He was lucky to be alive. I knew it was time for him to hear the Gospel! The kids and I went to visit him the next day with dinner in hand, a Bible and the Holy Spirit! All I can say about that day was that it was not me speaking! The Holy Spirit took over! Matt was wide open to hear what I had to say. He cried as we prayed together and I believe the Lord touched him in a very powerful way. Matt told me he had never heard what I shared with him.

I left not knowing who received more of a blessing. It was such a boost in my faith! There is nothing better than partnering with the Holy Spirit and seeing a life changed. To God be all the glory!

“Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." Exodus 4:12

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15

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