Practicing Silence

by Justin Jones / Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Singles Ministry

I just got done with my first sabbatical. Our church blesses us with an opportunity to take a month-long sabbatical once every seven years. It is meant to be a time to focus on the Lord and have our spirits, minds, and hearts renewed.

Janelle and I planned to practice two spiritual disciplines: fasting (from TV, in particular) for the entire length of the sabbatical, and silence. It was a very beneficial time and it really did bring renewal, but I was reminded about something important in regards to silence.

Silence can be difficult, because silence has so much more to do with the resting of our hearts than the silence of our surroundings.

We had the privilege of staying in a family member’s cabin in Tennessee. I was so looking forward to sitting on the porch at night in the quiet. The problem was that the minute I got quiet and started to listen, it wasn’t very quiet. There were birds and wind and bats and bugs and distant barks of a dog, etc. It was SO loud. Yet, the Lord reminded me again, it is not about the outward silence. It is about the silence of the heart, a spirit willing to rest in Him. He says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) I have been reminded of that message and I encourage you to rest in Him as well.


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