God is Faithful!

by Alan Dusel / Audio Ministry Coordinator

God is faithful!

This simple three-word statement is something that I know to be true, and have personally experienced over and over in my life, especially in the last few years. He has shown me that He is always looking out for my family and me, and has demonstrated this in many ways.

In times of great struggle or trials, it is often easy to begin thinking that Our Heavenly Father has turned His back on us, or has maybe forgotten us. In times like these, I often reflect on my two children… grown men that have gone on to either their own careers or to college to pursue their dreams, and whom I love unconditionally. NOTHING they could ever do or say would cause me to not help them in their times of need.

I have communicated this fact to my sons many times throughout their younger years and have continued this into their adult years, even as recently as today, as I had the opportunity to have lunch with my oldest. As we talked life, work, relationships, and other things fathers discuss with their sons, there was a moment where he shared with me that he was struggling with some things work related, and he reflected back to his younger years when he still was in school and living with his mom and I, and that things were much easier then. At that moment, I looked him in the eye, and told him that I loved him, and was so proud of him. I continued by once again reassuring him that my wife and I would always be there for him, no matter what.

It is good to reflect in tough times on the faithfulness of God, and what Our Father has already done for us, the sacrifice of His only son Jesus, and the gift of life… and everything that is good. He has done so much for us, just as we would do for our own children.

One of my favorite old hymns is “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” written by Thomas Chisolm in 1925, and born out of a time of struggle and many trials that he was experiencing in his life. Take a moment and search on the web for yourself the story behind the writing of this beautiful hymn, the struggles that Thomas experienced, and how this hymn came about. Then read through the lyrics or listen to this hymn…and let it be an inspiration to you.

Those who are reading this and navigating through struggles and trials in your life, God is not through writing your story. He loves you more than you can ever imagine! You are the son or daughter of the God of the universe…


All Things, Every Day, in Every Way


Craigg's Corner: May