Missing Directions

by Joni Canastraro (Print Media Designer)

Recently the kids and I traveled to the Catskills to be with friends and family. We always pray for safety and clear direction from Ms. GPS. Day one of travel was perfect: the sun was out and the roads were dry. Our second day on the road travelling from the Catskills to our family an hour south was not great. The snow was coming down pretty hard and ice covered roads were a concern.

We had to cross the Hudson River by way of the “Rip Van Winkle” Bridge. We chuckled at the name of the bridge and then really laughed after paying the toll because the man collecting tolls looked like he could have been Rip himself with a beard hanging down to his belt buckle.

As we crossed the snow-covered bridge, we came to a fork in the road. Ms. GPS spoke quickly and I missed what she said. Neither of the signs pointed in the direction I thought we needed to go so feeling frazzled, I stopped in the median. My daughter piped up and said “Mom, she said to go north on 23.” I didn’t trust my daughter’s ears because I was sure we needed to go south. So I made a U-turn and crossed back over the bridge.

Well, within a few minutes, Ms. “I’m not sure I like you anymore” GPS turned us around and put us back on the bridge heading towards that fork in the road again. You can imagine Rip’s expression when he saw us back so soon. I paid the toll AGAIN and this time turned up the volume to here Ms. GPS say, “Go north on 23!” I was quite humbled as I heard my daughter say, "I told you so!!!" Eventually that north road led us to the southbound interstate I needed to get on.

That experience made me think how at times I have missed God’s leading. Those times I did not trust His still small voice. Those times that I was sure I was right! Those times when life was full of chaos and my mind too busy to listen for His gentle leading.

The experience also made me very thankful for a smart young lady in the backseat giving directions, who next time I will listen to!

Distress in Our Mess


Change and the Unchanging