Influence Over Time

by Betsy Cahill / Finance Assistant

This past weekend, my husband, Jim and I went to New Hampshire to witness our son-in-law’s baptism.

It was a wonderful thing to see considering how far Andy (our son-in-law) has come. Andy was raised with no faith, no religious affiliation. When our daughter, Erin, decided to reconnect with the Lord after the birth of her first child, she invited Andy to attend church with her. He agreed to go to see what it was all about.

For years, Andy would go when his work schedule would permit, but he was just taking up a seat, not really participating in the worship. He believed that all you needed to do was be a good person and you would get into heaven. Andy is a good person, a good father and husband.  During this time, Erin was praying for him along with her friends and family.

When the children were dedicated a few years ago, the pastor stressed to Andy the importance of leading the kids by example and being a godly father.

This spring some friends from the first church Andy & Erin once attended invited Andy to play softball on their current church’s team. Andy loves sports and is good at softball so he agreed to play. Funny how God works, even through sports (you never know). The men on the team came along side Andy and had a tremendous influence on him for the Lord. Andy and Erin were discussing Andy’s seeking and Erin told Andy to ask God to reveal Himself to him. After a little time, Erin asked Andy if he had asked God and if God had revealed Himself. Andy replied, “I see Him everywhere!”

This was back in June and Andy told the pastor that he wanted to be baptized, so on August 21 we were there to witness it. Andy gave a great testimony. We can’t wait to see how he grows in his faith. He is a brand new creation and we are so excited for him, Erin, and their children Tommy and Rachel.

The verse that kept going through my head last weekend was 2 Corinthians 5:7:
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

I tell you this story to encourage you as you pray for unsaved family member and/or friends. God is in the business of saving and He’s still working miracles. You never know who He will use or how He will do it, but Andy is living proof that He is still reaching people and lives are being changed.



