My Hope Is In Thee

by Meaghan Randall / Worship Arts Ministry Assistant

Ignacio Palomo Duarte | flickr
I am sitting here looking at all of my calendars and schedules and lists, thinking, how am I going to get through this month, then into the next without my head completely spinning off? Birthday parties, cookouts, bridal showers, date nights, classes, weddings, weekend getaways, volunteering, working three jobs, cleaning my house, cooking dinner, trying to learn golf… ugh,  (all fun stuff of course) and I don’t have kids yet. I can’t even imagine what that would look like!

It is in this whirlwind though where I can sometimes lose track of where exactly God wants me to be. I put my busyness before Him. Where was God in my schedule? Where was God when I was trying to make a decision to say “Yes” or “No” to yet another thing to add to my calendar? When things start to pile up and we put our hope in the check lists and more importantly in ourselves, God is put at the bottom of the totem pole.

I felt the tensions and anxiety rising in me as I tried to make sure I could DO everything. And this week I said, ENOUGH! I put Him at the tippy-top of my growing list and said, “Lord my hope is in you, what do you want on my list? I am here, what next?”  The answer was: “Be still, listen, and know that I am God.” WHOA! Ok, got it!

He takes away worry and anxiety, and brings peace, joy, and a calming comfort that is so overwhelming. He has control. My hope is in Him, it has to be, because His faithfulness and love are worth so much more than any agenda.  

“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” Jeremiah 17:7    



