
This past Sunday, Pastor Pat challenged us to have some potentially difficult conversations with ourselves and with others (view the full message here). The difficulty comes because relationships can be messy, especially when we are avoiding some emotional conversations like faith or forgiveness.

This week on the blog, Pastor Mike Dwyer (Executive Pastor and Men’s Director) is sharing some reflection on relationships, particularly how they are to be treasured and cared for.

Two weeks ago Karen and I decided to take a mid-winter weekend trip to that most coveted of winter vacation spots, Potsdam, NY. IT WAS 31 DEGREES BELOW ZERO! ....And my teeth actually chattered. The cold was a magnifying backdrop to the warmth we felt while sharing some time with some very dear friends.

It reminded me of how important relationships are and how much I take people for granted.
The first week of March, Pastor Pat and I had the privilege of taking part in a prayer meeting for Brother Daryl Largis of the Chapel. Close to 100 pastors gathered to pray with and for this dear brother, who is fighting an aggressive Stage 4 cancer. The unity in the room, a unity which He has helped to forge, was a testimony to the glory of God.

It again reminded me of the preciousness of many of our relationships.

When you add to this the church-wide Simplify study, I get the feeling that God is trying to tell me something!

Our Father in Heaven has blessed us so much! In the “Lord’s Prayer” it says, “give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” To me this is a clear message and acknowledgement of God’s provision (food) but also a deeper reference to communion and the importance of relationships. God sent his only son; Jesus died on the cross to reestablish relationship.

Easter is only days away. It is a celebration of the resurrection power of Christ; all things (including relationships) are made new. Isn’t it about time that you made your relationships the top priority?

Trading Fear for Faith


Don't Diet