Simplify: What Matters to God

We've begun a four week study on "Simplify" based on the the book by Bill Hybels. Hopefully you are getting the most out of the study by participating in a small group too! 

Chris Gaglione (Small Groups, College, Marriage Ministry Assistant) has been part of the team preparing and organizing the Simplify study and the upcoming Simplify Retreat. Today, he's sharing some of his own reflections on "Simplify."

As I have been working on various aspects of our upcoming church-wide small groups study, I am reminded of the many ways I have neglected to simplify my life.

I'm sure you might be somewhat like me in always telling others "Life is busy," "I've been so tired lately," or "Overwhelmed is the norm."

While doing some reading and preparing for "Simplify" I was struck with the fact that so many times I over-complicate my life purely for the sake of over-complicating. In the book "Simplify" by Bill Hybels he writes:
"If we don't change how we live, we will become accustomed to life at a frantic pace, no longer able to discriminate between the important and the unessential. And that's the danger: When we fritter away our one and only life doing things that don't really matter, we sacrifice the things that do matter."
I want to make certain that I am living the life God has called me to and always striving to leave a legacy that is worthy of Christ. In John 10:10 Jesus says that he has come so that we may have life, and have it to the full! That is a great promise to stand on.

I'm excited to begin this season of simplifying life and un-cluttering the things that "don't really matter" so that I can do the things that "do matter."

Don't Diet


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