Rose Vohwinkel / Next Gen Ministry Assistant

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4: 6-7

I need this verse, more each day. Life has been more than a little crazy for me over the last year.  My oldest daughter, Brittany, moved away to finish her Master’s Degree (and has since returned), as my youngest daughter Cristen, was bravely conquering a personal battle through the strength and mercy of our great and amazing God. I am so proud of the women they have become.

But life is not just our own little families; it is our extended family too. And their issues just add fuel, worry and concern to my craziness. I love very deeply and hurt that way too, for those that are struggling. I’ve always been this way. I cry at a good commercial, so real issues break my heart. All this to say, I realized I often focus too much on what is in the here and now – right in front of me. I lose the big picture.

You see, Satan knows how to get to me. It’s always been my family. That’s how he wins the battle and I take my eyes off of Christ, even for a moment. That’s all Satan needs – one moment and then my nature takes over. A moment becomes many more.

After praying and asking God for answers and guidance, here’s what God showed me.

Start over!!!!!

What does that mean? I’ve started to reset myself. I’m trying to spend more time in prayer. More time in the morning and more intentional moments throughout the day. And, to start at the beginning again … Genesis. Yep, I’m starting over and I’m excited to see what God will show me this time. And in His perfect timing, He will deliver to me all that I need. Who doesn’t need a fresh start? Isn’t that what I got when I accepted Christ originally – a fresh start. So bring on the beginning again!!!

If you are in the middle of your own crazy life, and who isn’t, I pray that you find a way to reset yourself and remember the awe inspiring, trust building, faith sustaining promises of Jesus Christ, when life gets in your way. God bless you and thanks for letting me ramble. For His Glory…


Dick Bennett / Young at Heart Director and Caring Network Pastor


Pat Jones / Lead Pastor