Welcome to this 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Adventure! Whether you’ve done a devotional exercise in the past or not, this journey may be a little different than what you’ve ever experienced. And that’s exciting!

Often we approach prayer as a list of requests, or a “Quiet Time” to begin or end our day (that is a wonderful discipline). We hope you will still do that! Scripture tells us to cast our cares on Him, for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7), and it is certainly a good idea to set aside uninterrupted time for prayer. This particular journey, however, will be unique. Rather than a time that begins and ends, we want to encourage you to cultivate an ongoing conversation with God. That’s the best way to get to know (and be known by) someone, after all. In this case that Someone is your Maker. The One who knows your heart better than anyone, and still longs for you to share your heart with Him; and amazingly, the One who wants you to know His heart.

Most of the best conversations start with a question. And then there is listening for the answer. And reflecting. And responding.

So, for the next three weeks, you will be prompted to bring a question to God, and receive a scripture to reflect on, and respond to, throughout your day. Remember, the best conversations involve both talking, listening, and responding.

Talking: That’s the question part!

Listening: That’s the Scripture part.

Responding: And of course, we know that we’ve had a great conversation when it changes us for the better. That’s the part where we obey!

It's that simple.

Maybe you’ll want to get a notebook (or use your note app on your phone) so you can record what you’re hearing. Keep in mind, God may speak to you through a friend, through a stranger, through a song on the radio … even through nature … there are so many ways He speaks. But if He is speaking, it will ALWAYS agree with His Word.

Oh, and the fasting part? Our best advice is don’t be intimidated by it! A good guideline is to think about what your typical “go to” is when you’re looking for temporary comfort and use that “hunger” to drive you to seek intimacy with God instead. Of course, food is a logical place to start … but maybe there’s something else to set aside and make room for more of Jesus?

In fact, maybe that’s a good question to start us off!

So here’s your first practice prayer prompt (a 21 Day EVE conversation starter, if you will):

Talking: Lord, what would be a good thing to lay aside for these next three weeks so I can hear You more clearly?

Listening: Psalm 42:1

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.”

Responding: What will it look like to act on what you hear?

We’d love to hear from you along your journey! Please feel free to text this number (833) 264-3557 or email ncarmichael@ehwc.org to share any insights or stories you think would encourage our EH Church family.

We hope and even believe that this will be a wonderful adventure! Join us to celebrate on January 20 & 21, as we culminate this journey at our RISE Worship Services. (By the way, we created a Spotify play list with a curated list of worship songs for your journey. Feel free to suggest a song that speaks to your heart!)

Link to playlist: Click Here…

Resource on fasting: Click Here…




Advent Devotional Day 20